Sunday 29 May 2011

We get links

A new look for the Niagara Falls Review - four sections instead of two.

Of course, the change hasn't nothing to do with the interests of readers. 

One source says having four sections instead of two saves Sun Media $300 per run per little paper.

"The bad news, one less local news page."

Sounds familiar.

We picked up a Kingston Whig-Standard on Saturday to find a great amount of recycled Sun Media content available in the Toronto or Ottawa Suns.

The required outside content must be annoying to community-minded Whig editors who want more space for local sports, news and entertainment.

But perhaps all of the conscientious Kingston boosters at the award-winning newspaper have moved on.

This Toronto Sun reader buys community newspapers during travels to learn more about the area being visited, not for recycled Toronto and Ottawa-based Sun content.


  1. There are community minded Whig editors? Wow, they have something no other Sun community dailies have - editors at other papers mostly lost their jobs so Sun TV could be born; they were replaced by paginators who write headlines like this: "Cops kept shooting suspect in custody." And they wonder why we make fun of them.

  2. check out
