Monday 21 February 2011

February blahs

Long before the legislated Family Day and the need for a union, Doug Creighton realized as short as the month of February was, it was still too long to go without a special day off.

So the Sun voluntarily introduced Blah Days, giving all employees a February day off of their choice - with pay and a clear nod of appreciation for a job well done.

Some employees who had weekends off, used their Blah Days to create a long weekend. Others saved their day for a mid-week break.

That was our Sun.  That was our Doug.

Blah Days were one of the casualties, along with sabbaticals, stock offers, profit sharing etc., of Quebecor's takeover and union negotiations, but then Family Day arrived in Ontario in 2008.

Family Day isn't as flexible as Blah Days were - strictly the third Monday in February - but an extra day off in the depths of winter is an extra day off.

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