Wednesday 19 January 2011

Downing's bucket

John Downing has been working through his Bucket List faster than Sun Media has been making a skeleton out of the flagship Toronto Sun newspaper he helped build.

The Day Oner and former editor recently stroked off fishing on the Amazon and writes about it in two postings on his Downing's Views blog.

"I have been busy crossing dream destinations off my Bucket List (remember the 2007 movie) from the Great Wall to Easter Island," Downing writes. "I have been to a third of the countries of the world, and to almost every country around Brazil, but never into it to see its mighty pump of life.

"My chance to visit the Amazon Basin and fish for one of the most famous of its 3,000 species of fish came when Walter Oster, head of the Canadian National Sportsmen's Shows, told me he was taking a group there for the second time."

And what an adventure it was for Downing, who will celebrate his 75th birthday on June 10.

Thanks to veteran photographer Dick Loek, Downing's Amazon fishing expedition was adequately documented for the Bucket List checkers.

Downing's Views is one of our favourite blog reads, so here's hoping John's Bucket List has many more unchecked adventures.

And to think he might still be sitting behind a desk at 333 if he wasn't squeezed out by the suits in 2007. 

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