Wednesday 20 January 2010

Haiti fronts: 1

And then there was one . . .

Ottawa was the only Sun to go with a Haiti front page today as media coverage in the aftermath of the earthquake began its second week.

The Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary and Edmonton Suns went local.

The misery in Haiti hasn't subsided, with another jolting aftershock hitting today. The chaos continues.

Media on the ground say the delay of food, water and medical supplies continues to claim lives. CNN reporters have stopped short of accusing Haitian government officials of intentionally slowing international relief efforts.

The Israeli medical team that set up a medical camp on Day 2 has put the American medical effort to shame, but one news report said Haitian officials do not want more medical tents.

Medical supplies have been delayed and Doctors Without Borders doctors have been having difficulty landing at the airport and getting to the injured.

Why is that happening? Are the dead and buried less of a burden on the government than the walking wounded?

There are some serious questions to be asked by the media in week two of the relief efforts. Ask them now while the world is watching, not at some future inquiry into relief effort failures.

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