Thursday 2 October 2008

Star's pub. exit

The Toronto Sun devoted more space yesterday to the departure of Toronto Star publisher Jagoda Pike than most departing Sun vets have received in recent years.

The Canadian Press story on Page 7 read like a Star press release, with its description of TorStar and its holdings and the Star being "Canada's largest circulation newspaper" in the lead.

We wonder how John Downing, Al Cairns, Len Fortune, Valerie Gibson, Tim Fryer, Darren McGee and numerous other Sun vets reacted to Pike's piece. Most received zero ink in the Sun when they left after years, even decades, of dedicated service.

Not a word in the Sun about Downing's departure and he was a Day Oner.


Devoting more than 10 paragraphs and a colour photo to Pike's departure - she's going to head Canada's bid for the 2015 Pan American Games - was very odd. It almost feels personal.

We do know there are Sun editors who want the tabloid to mirror the Star.

That would explain why they have largely abandoned the Sun's successful tabloid formula and taken the Sun down the broadsheet path at the expense of its edge and tens of thousands of readers.

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